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Mindful Travel: The Negative Impact of Tourism on Cities and Natural Wonders

Seine photo credit: Mingrui He 

It is important for tourists to be mindful of their impact on the natural surroundings and take steps to minimise any negative effects. Being mindful of how we interact with people and how our actions can negatively or positively impact an area, this understanding will help preserve the natural environment and protect the natural beauty of a destination.


Padlocks attached to the Pont des Arts bridge in Paris, which was once a popular destination for love lock bridge enthusiasts, were causing damage to the structure. The weight of the locks was putting a strain on the bridge’s metal grills, causing them to become distorted and potentially compromising the structural integrity of the bridge. In addition, the locks were also causing visual pollution and creating a hazard for maintenance workers who had to remove them. 

In 2015, the city of Paris removed all of the padlocks from the Pont des Arts bridge and replaced the metal grills with glass panels to prevent people from attaching more locks. The city also launched a campaign to discourage the practice of attaching love locks to other bridges and public structures. 


Locals in Venice have expressed their upset with the following issues surrounding tourism: 

1. Overcrowding: Venice is a popular tourist destination, and the city can become very crowded with tourists, particularly during peak season. This can be frustrating for locals who may have to deal with overcrowded streets, long lines, and difficulty getting around. 

2. Tourists who arrive on cruise ships contribute to mass crowding and often don’t spend money in Venice’s local businesses but instead wonder around for the day then go back and eat dinner on their cruise ship. 

3. Disrupting local life: Tourists who are not respectful of local customs and traditions can disrupt the daily lives of the people living in Venice. This can lead to conflicts and resentment among the local community. 

4. Lack of affordable housing: The large number of tourists visiting Venice has made it difficult for locals to find affordable housing, leading to resentment among those who feel that they have been priced out of the city. 


Antartica is known for experiencing problems as a direct result of climate change, mass tourism via cruise ships and pollution: The large number of ships that travel to Antarctica can contribute to air and water pollution. In addition, tourists may leave behind trash or litter, which can harm the local environment and threatens the lives of unique species. 

Although visitors to Antartica don’t typically stay for long, their time on land tends to be of high-impact. There is also a limited tourist season which happens to coincide with the breeding season for most Antarctic wildlife. Sadly the visitors during this period has proven to disrupt wildlife and their normal behaviour. For example it has been proven that some species of birds no longer nest around Antarctic bases due to anxiety caused by large amounts of crowds. 

There is also the risk that tourists are continuing to disrupts scientific research: The presence of tourists can disrupt scientific research being conducted in Antarctica, which can have negative impacts on our understanding of the continent and its ecosystems. 

Tips for Tourists: 

1. Research and learn about the culture and customs of the place you are visiting. This will help you understand the local norms and values, and avoid any misunderstandings or unintentional cultural insensitivities. 

2. Be mindful of your surroundings and the impact you have on the environment. This includes things like not littering, not damaging natural habitats, and conserving resources like water and electricity. 

3. Support local businesses and communities by staying in locally-owned accommodations, eating at locally-owned restaurants, and purchasing locally-made products. This helps to boost the local economy and preserve traditional ways of life. 

4. Respect the local people and their way of life. This means being considerate of their privacy, not taking photos of people without their permission, and not imposing your own values or beliefs on them. 

By following these tips, tourists can help to preserve the unique character and culture of the places they visit and ensure that tourism benefits both the visitors and the local communities. Remember, there are many positive impacts tourists can have such as tourists understanding and becoming ambassadors for Antartica. No-one lives in Antartica and therefore when issues arise, the more people that speak up, the better Antartica can be protected! 

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